The Evolution of ZTNA to Fully Support Zero Trust Strategies (2024)

The transition to remote and hybrid work has had an ongoing and profound impact. It’s not only where we work but also how work gets done. Users and apps are everywhere. IT teams face massive security challenges due to direct-to-app connectivity. Unfortunately, first-generation ZTNA solutions (ZTNA 1.0) have shown they can’t effectively handle today’s threat landscape.

It’s time for a new, evolved approach: ZTNA 2.0.

Read the latest ESG Global Research white paper, “The Evolution of ZTNA to Fully Support Zero Trust Strategies.” You’ll understand what ZTNA 2.0 is and how Prisma®Access delivers it, protecting organizations against the most sophisticated threats.

Take a look at ESG Global Research’s perspective on ZTNA 2.0. You’ll learn:

  • Research-backed reasons why cybersecurity is more challenging today.
  • Where ZTNA 1.0 technologies fall short.
  • The five maxims of ZTNA 2.0 that provide best-in-class security for protecting organizations today and tomorrow.

Der Wechsel zu mobilen und hybriden Arbeitsmodellen hat auch weiterhin Folgen– nicht nur in Bezug auf den Arbeitsplatz, sondern auch auf die Arbeitsweise. Benutzer und Anwendungen sind überall verteilt und direkte Verbindungen zu Anwendungen stellen IT-Teams vor komplexe Sicherheitsherausforderungen, denen ZTNA-Lösungen der ersten Generation(ZTNA1.0) in der heutigen Bedrohungslandschaft leider nicht gewachsen sind.

Ein neuer Ansatz ist gefragt: ZTNA 2.0.

Lesen Sie das aktuelle Whitepaper von ESG Global Research zur Weiterentwicklung von ZTNA zu umfassenden Zero-Trust-Strategien, um zu erfahren, was ZTNA2.0 ist und wie Prisma®Access dieses Framework bereitstellt– und Unternehmen so selbst vor den raffiniertesten Bedrohungen schützt.

Im Whitepaper von ESG Global Research zu ZTNA2.0 erfahren Sie mehr zu folgenden Themen:

  • Wissenschaftlich untermauerte Gründe für die in der heutigen Cybersicherheitslandschaft komplexeren Herausforderungen
  • Warum ZTNA-1.0-Technologien nicht mehr zeitgemäß sind
  • Die fünfGrundsätze von ZTNA2.0, die erstklassige Sicherheit für Unternehmen bieten– sowohl heute als auch in der Zukunft

Le passage au travail hybride et à distance a eu un impact profond et durable, non seulement sur le lieu, mais aussi sur les modes de travail. Dans un monde où les applications et les utilisateurs peuvent être n’importe où, les connexions «direct-to-app» mènent la vie dure aux équipesIT et de sécurité. Quant aux solutionsZTNA de première génération (ZTNA1.0), elles ont hélas montré leur incapacité à neutraliser efficacement les menaces actuelles.

D’où le besoin urgent d’évoluer vers le ZTNA2.0.

Pour en savoir plus sur cette nouvelle approche et comprendre comment Prisma®Access en reprend tous les principes pour protéger les entreprises contre les menaces les plus sophistiquées, nous vous invitons à lire le nouveau livre blancESGGlobalResearch intitulé «L’évolution du ZTNA au service des stratégies Zero Trust».

Vous y découvrirez également le point de vue des analystes de ce cabinet réputé sur le ZTNA2.0. Au sommaire:

  • L’origine des nouvelles problématiques de cybersécurité
  • Les lacunes des technologiesZTNA1.0
  • Les cinqgrands principes du ZTNA2.0 pour une protection maximale des entreprises sur la durée

La transición al trabajo remoto e híbrido ha tenido unos efectos duraderos y profundos, no solo en lo que respecta a dónde trabajamos, sino también a cómo lo hacemos. Los usuarios y las aplicaciones están en todas partes. Los equipos de TI se enfrentan a unos problemas de seguridad cada vez más complejos debido a la conectividad directa con las aplicaciones. Lamentablemente, las soluciones de acceso ZeroTrust (confianza cero) a la red de primera generación (ZTNA1.0) han demostrado su incapacidad para dar respuesta al panorama de amenazas actual.

Salta a la vista que urge adoptar un nuevo enfoque más evolucionado: ZTNA2.0.

Lea el último informe técnico de ESGGlobalResearch, «La tecnología ZTNA evoluciona para garantizar la “confianza cero”», para saber en qué consiste el acceso ZTNA2.0 y cómo lo ofrece Prisma®Access para proteger las organizaciones de las amenazas más sofisticadas.

En este informe, ESGGlobalResearch explica su perspectiva sobre el acceso ZTNA2.0. Descubrirá:

  • cuáles son los motivos por los que, según las investigaciones, la ciberseguridad es hoy más compleja que nunca;
  • las limitaciones de las tecnologías ZTNA1.0;
  • las cinco máximas del acceso ZTNA2.0 que proporcionan la mejor seguridad para proteger las organizaciones ahora y en el futuro.

LP-3 Sec 1 Content

リモート ワークやハイブリッド ワークへの移行によって、継続的かつ大きな影響が生じています。それは単に働く場所の問題ではなく、どのように仕事をこするか問題でもあります。ユーザーとアプリはあらゆる場所に存在する上、ITチームはアプリへの直接接続が原因の重大なセキュリティ課題を抱えています。しかし残念ながら、第一世代のZTNAソリューション(ZTNA 1.0)では、昨今の脅威環境に上手く対処できないことが明らかになりました。

今こそ、新たな進化したアプローチ「ZTNA 2.0」がお役に立つでしょう。

ESG Global Researchのホワイトペーパー「ゼロトラスト戦略を完全にサポートする、進化したZTNA」をお読みください。ZTNA 2.0の基本に触れた上で、Prisma® AccessによってZTNA 2.0を導入し、極めて巧妙な脅威から組織を保護する方法を解説します。

ZTNA 2.0に対するESG Global Researchの展望をお確かめください。主な内容は以下の通りです。

  • 調査に裏付けられたサイバーセキュリティが近年困難になっている理由
  • ZTNA 1.0テクノロジの問題点

今日と明日の組織を保護する最高のセキュリティを実現するZTNA 2.0の5原則

La transizione verso il lavoro ibrido e da remoto ha avuto un impatto profondo che continua a farsi sentire. Non si tratta solo della posizione da cui lavoriamo, ma anche di come vengono svolte quelle attività. Gli utenti e le app sono ovunque. I team IT affrontano sfide di sicurezza enormi a causa della connettività diretta alle app. Purtroppo, le soluzioni ZTNA di prima generazione (ZTNA 1.0) hanno dimostrato di non essere all’altezza delle minacce attuali.

È ora di adottare un approccio nuovo e più evoluto: è il momento di ZTNA 2.0.

Leggi l’ultimo white paper di ESG Global Research, “The Evolution of ZTNA to Fully Support Zero Trust Strategies”. Capirai meglio cos’è ZTNA 2.0 e il suo funzionamento tramite Prisma®Access che consente di proteggere le organizzazioni contro le minacce più sofisticate.

Analizza il punto di vista di ESG Global Research su ZTNA 2.0 e scoprirai:

  • I motivi, basati su ricerche, per cui la sicurezza informatica oggi è più complessa.
  • I punti di debolezza della tecnologia ZTNA 1.0.
  • I cinque cardini di ZTNA 2.0 che assicurano una protezione delle organizzazioni leader della categoria, oggi e domani.

원격 및 하이브리드 업무로의 전환은 계속 진행 중이며 엄청난 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 업무 장소뿐만 아니라 업무 수행 방식에도 영향을 미치게 됩니다. 사용자와 앱은 어디에나 존재하므로 IT 팀은 앱으로의 직접 연결에 따른 엄청난 보안 과제를 안고 있습니다. 안타깝게도, 1세대 ZTNA 솔루션(ZTNA 1.0)은 오늘날의 위협 환경을 효과적으로 처리하는 데 한계가 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.

이제는 발전된 새로운 접근 방식, ZTNA 2.0을 사용해야 할 때입니다.

최신 ESG 글로벌 리서치 백서 "제로 트러스트 전략의 완전한 지원을 위한 ZTNA의 진화"에서 ZTNA 2.0에 대해 알아보고, Prisma® Access를 통해 가장 정교한 위협에 맞서 기업을 어떻게 보호하는지 확인하세요.

ZTNA 2.0에 대한 ESG 글로벌 리서치의 관점을 알아보세요. 다음과 같은 내용을 확인할 수 있습니다.

  • 연구를 통해 알아낸 오늘날 사이버 보안이 더 어려워진 이유
  • ZTNA 1.0 기술의 단점
  • 기업의 현재와 미래를 보호할 수 있는 동급 최고의 보안을 제공하는 ZTNA 2.0의 5가지 핵심 사항

向远程和混合办公模式过渡产生了持续而深远的影响。这不仅关乎我们的办公地点,还关乎办公方式。用户和应用无处不在。由于存在直达应用的连接,因此,IT 团队面临着巨大的安全挑战。雪上加霜的是,第一代 ZTNA 解决方案 (ZTNA 1.0) 无法有效应对当今的威胁形势。

是时候采用新的方法了,它就是 ZTNA 2.0。

阅读最新的 ESG Global Research 白皮书《ZTNA 向完全支持零信任策略转变的发展历程》。您将了解什么是 ZTNA 2.0 以及 Prisma®Access 如何交付该产品,从而保护企业,帮助抵御最复杂的威胁。

看看 ESG Global Research 对 ZTNA 2.0 有哪些看法。您将了解到:

  • 网络安全在现阶段更具挑战性的原因(有研究支持)。
  • ZTNA 1.0 技术的不足之处。
  • ZTNA 2.0 的五条准则,可以为当前和未来的企业提供一流的安全性。

朝向遠端和混合工作的轉變已帶來持續且深遠的影響。不僅限於我們工作的地點,對於我們的工作方式也都會造成衝擊。使用者和應用程式無處不在。「應用程式直連」連線會讓 IT 團隊面臨極大的安全挑戰。遺憾的是第一代 ZTNA 解決方案 (ZTNA 1.0) 已證明他們無法有效地應對現在的威脅形勢。

是採用全新的進化方法的時候了:ZTNA 2.0。

閱讀最新的 ESG Global Research「ZTNA 完整支援零信任策略的進化歷程」白皮書,您將會了解什麼是 ZTNA 2.0 以及 Prisma®Access 如何提供此功能,協助企業防範最複雜的威脅。

參閱 ESG Global Research 對於 ZTNA 2.0 的觀點。您將了解到:

  • 經研究證明現在的網路安全性面臨更大的挑戰。
  • ZTNA 1.0 解決方案有那些不足之處。
  • 列舉五項論點,證明 ZTNA 2.0 能提供同級最佳的安全性來保護現今和未來的企業。

LP-3 Sec 1 Content

A transição para o trabalho remoto e híbrido teve um impacto contínuo e profundo em nosso trabalho diário. Não apenas no local onde trabalhamos, mas também na forma como trabalhamos. Usuários e aplicativos estão em toda parte. As equipes de TI enfrentam enormes desafios de segurança devido à conectividade direta aos aplicativos. Infelizmente, as soluções ZTNA de primeira geração (ZTNA 1.0) mostraram que não conseguem lidar eficazmente com o cenário atual de ameaças.

É hora de uma abordagem nova e evoluída: o ZTNA 2.0.

Leia o mais recente artigo técnico da ESG Global Research, “The Evolution of ZTNA to Fully Support Zero Trust Strategies” (A evolução do ZTNA para apoiar totalmente as estratégias de Confiança Zero). Você entenderá o que é o ZTNA 2.0 e como o Prisma®Access implementa esse recurso, protegendo as organizações contra as ameaças mais sofisticadas.

Confira a opinião da ESG Global Research sobre o ZTNA 2.0. Você saberá mais sobre:

  • Motivos com respaldo de pesquisas pelos quais a segurança cibernética é mais desafiadora hoje em dia.
  • Em qual ponto as tecnologias ZTNA 1.0 ficam aquém das exigências.
  • As cinco máximas do ZTNA 2.0 que fornecem a melhor segurança da categoria para proteger as organizações hoje e no futuro.
The Evolution of ZTNA to Fully Support Zero Trust Strategies (2024)


What is the difference between Zero Trust and ZTNA? ›

Rather than trusting on the basis of correct credentials, zero trust authenticates only under the correct context—that is, when the user, identity, device, and location all match up. Furthermore, ZTNA provides granular access rather than network access.

What is the history of ZTNA? ›

Zero trust network access (ZTNA) is an evolution of John Kindervag's original work on a zero trust model. Zero trust is the term coined by Forrester's Kindervag in 2010. Around 2017, Gartner analysts were toying with a related but different idea: continuous adaptive risk and trust assessment (CARTA).

What are the advantages of ZTNA over VPN? ›

ZTNA has many advantages over VPN including more extensive checks of both user and device, more granular access granted, and ongoing checks. These measures make it more difficult for bad actors to gain and maintain access to resources.

What are the two approaches to implementing ZTNA? ›

There are two approaches to ZTNA implementation, endpoint initiated and service-initiated.As the name implies, in an endpoint-initiated zero trust network architecture the user initiates access to an application from an endpoint connected device, similarly to an SDP.

What are the disadvantages of ZTNA? ›

  • May not be able to control access to network resources at the application level.
  • May not be able to provide the same level of granularity as Univeral ZTNA.
  • May be complex and expensive to implement and manage.

What is the disadvantage of Zero Trust? ›

The biggest challenge with Zero Trust is that it can be complex to implement. The fact that every user, device, and application must be authenticated and authorized adds an extra layer of complexity — particularly for organizations with a large number of users.

Which two traits are unique to ZTNA? ›

Six Key Characteristics of a Modern ZTNA Solution
  • Scalable Performance. ...
  • Robust Data Loss Prevention (DLP) ...
  • Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) ...
  • BYOD Deployment Options. ...
  • Granular Visibility and Reporting. ...
  • Part of a Comprehensive SASE Offering.

What are the 5 pillars of ZTNA? ›

The five pillars of zero-trust security are identity, device, network, application and workload and data.

Will ZTNA replace VPN? ›

ZTNA: Secure remote access for the modern workplace

IT leaders are replacing VPN with ZTNA so they can securely connect their modern workplace—comprised of hybrid workers, cutting-edge devices, and hybrid cloud environments—to the applications that matter most to their business.

Why is ZTNA important? ›

Also, ZTNA unifies access to applications, thus eliminating the bifurcation of private cloud, VPN and SaaS application methods. It provides centralized control, with the scalability and flexibility to offer users appropriate access given their devices, locations and times of day.

Does ZTNA replace firewalls? ›

Firewalls are still essential to a comprehensive security solution and provide the first line of defense against external threats. ZTNA goes beyond the perimeter-based security offered by firewalls and focuses on securing access to resources and verifying the identity of users and devices before granting access.

What are two functions of ZTNA? ›

Fortinet Universal ZTNA Use Cases

Enables secure and granular access to applications to improve security and the user experience—anywhere, anytime. Ensures only users and devices that should access an application, can, with the help of multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Is ZTNA the same as Zero Trust? ›

ZTNA is a solution for securing remote access to an organization's networks, data, and applications based on the principle of Zero Trust. Using ZT principles, a ZTNA solution takes a “deny all by default” approach to any network access request. No person or device is trusted when access is requested.

What is the ZTNA methodology? ›

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is the main technology that enables organizations to implement Zero Trust security. Similar to a software-defined perimeter (SDP), ZTNA conceals most infrastructure and services, setting up one-to-one encrypted connections between devices and the resources they need.

What is the philosophy of ZTNA? ›

The most important aspect of the ZTNA philosophy is the concept of zero trust – never trust, always verify. The organization should not grant access to devices, applications, or networks without checking for malicious intent.

What is the difference between least privilege access and Zero Trust? ›

Although zero trust and the principle of least privilege share many similarities, they differ in their implementation and focus. Zero trust focuses on verifying every access request, while the principle of least privilege aims to limit user access to the minimum level required to perform their job functions.

What is the difference between ZTNA and SASE? ›

Implementing SASE and ZTNA together strengthens an organization's security posture. ZTNA ensures secure access through identity verification, while SASE extends security services to the network's edge. This combination mitigates risks of unauthorized access and lateral movement within the network.

What are the different types of ZTNA? ›

Agent-based ZTNA requires the installation of a software application called an "agent" on all endpoint devices. Service-based or cloud-based ZTNA is a cloud service rather than an endpoint application. It does not require the use or installation of an agent.

What is the alternative name for Zero Trust? ›

The zero trust security model, also known as zero trust architecture (ZTA), and perimeterless security describes an approach to the strategy, design and implementation of IT systems.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.