Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1977, p. 10 (2024)

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1977, p. 10 (1)

10 The Barrie Examiner Thursday February 24 1977 SPORTSCORNERS Colts need team effort By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner Sports Editor Lorne Knowles has favorite saying When the going gets tough the tough get going The going is tough ri ht now for the coach of the Barrie Colts Junior Hockey Clu Barrie is down 10 in semifinal series with Oak Ridges Colts are hurting heading into tonights game at the Barrie Arena and maybe just maybe not really in the mood to play the kind of hockey needed to beat the Jewellers Oak Ridges coach Pete Artemchuk built winning club around speed disciplined passing and Steve Sherman secondyear player who when the final scoring statistics became public should be nudging 100 points for the season Against club like Oak Ridges youve got to play 60 minutes of hockey This was manager Jim Shorts recollec tion from earlier meetings between the teams Colts havent been able to do it Injuries to key personnel prevent any cohesion on the part of the Colts heading into the playoffs Colts are still not up to snuff Brad MacDonald is doubt ful starter for tonight His knee injury has kept him out of thelast three games BOB COLLSON clubs stronger performers Hake and BobToffan This is whats killing boom theyve got goal things We dont really have one or two standouts as result we need everybody working he said FLYERS HAVE FEW INJURED AS WELL Barrie Flyers are also feeling the pinch of the injury bug at most inappropriate time Flyers move into Cambridge tonight to open bestofseven playoff series with the Hornets series ROBBIE RALPH Sly said Bob Monteith was another doubtful starter The rugged forward missed check in Cambridge and hit the boards bruising his shoulder Carleton bruised his hip in the same game but is expected to dress tonight Flyers appear strong on defence and healthy in goal Sly said Ernie Miller would probably start tonight after his ef Colts would have liked to have acquired the services of few players from the Barrie Allan Cook juveniles The BMHA team is deep in playoff worries of their own and doesnt want to take the chance of injury to some of the Paul Delaney who is apparently in limbo with the juveniles will likely dress with the Colts tonight With Turner back the Colts will have nine forwards and four defencemen to throw out in front of goaltenders Hal Knowles feels the Colts are capable of defeating ak Ridges if they get stronger team effort us We tend to let dovm little in each period he said Everytime we relax even bit Our downfall is that were not ready when the game starts and were behind by then You got to hockey Youjust cant go for 50 or 45 he added Knowles said the injury situation isnt helping any but felt stronger effort on the part of the club would help balance Injuries could shake down the effectiveness of the clubs most potent line Gary Lyte one of several Flyers injured in closely contested game Saturday with the same Hornets Lyte twisted his knee and has it in cast Playingcoach Darryl Sly expects the winger to miss the early part of the Defenceman Colin Wilson is still doubtful said Knowles Colts will have Jamie Turner back for tonights game after serving histwogamesuspension Im not hopeful Knowles said of his walking injured seeing action tonight Wilson dressed for Mon days opener in Oak Ridges but didnt play MacDonald is very doubtful said Knowles Captain Bob Coulson is playing with an injured shoulder Hes hurting acknowledged Knowles but hell still be playing play 60 minutes of Jon Hammond the last Flyer to sign filled in Sun day along side Paul Regan and Phil Branston and came up with two goals against Lindsay Flyers are starting to get mileage out of the newcomers Robbie Ralph filled in at centre for Bill Burlington against Cam bridge the line caught fire Sly said Burlington was sitting out misconduct penalty at the time He apparently be came upset when his centre position never reopened Burlington skipped sunlt days game and two prac tices this week forts in Cambridge on the weekend GLANCING AROUND PeterRenio Hustlers meet Toron to Cosmos at Canadian Forces Base Borden tonight at 730 pm Both clubs are tied for secondplaee of the Ontario 35 womens voile ball league hockey game That was some midget tween Barrie CoOp major midgets and Orillia Tuesday CoOp will have to be sharp tonight going into Orillia down 21 in bestofseven series Flyers it rd to open playoffs Tonights the night when the marbles begin to roll for the Barrie Flyers of the Ontario Hockey Association Senior Hockey League Its the opening game of bestofseven quarterfinal series with the Cambridge Hornets The game is in Cam bridge beginning at 30 pm Flyers are back home Friday at the Barrie Arena for the se cond game of the series Brantford Alexanders and Thunder Bay Twins open bestofnine series this weekend in Thunder Bay with Whitby Warriors in Orillia Friday for the second game of the best0f seven series Whitby leads that series 10 Winner of CambridgeBarrie series meets the victor of the WhitbyOrillia series to deter mine who goes ainst the win ner of Brantfor Thunder Bay for the championship of the OHA Senior League PLAYOFF SCHEDULE SECOND ANI FIFTH best4of7 Thursday Barrie in Cam bridge 830 pm Friday Cambridge in Barrie 830 gm Satur ay Barrie in Cam bridge pm March Cambridge in Barrie 830 pm March Barrie in Cambridge if necessary pm March Cambridge in Barrie if necessary 730 pm March Barrie in Cambridge if necessary 30 pm FIRST AND FOURTH bests of9 Saturday Brantford Thunder Bay Sunday Brantford in Thunder Bay March Thunder Bay in Brant ford in March Thunder Bay in Brant ford March 11 Thunder Bay in Brantford March 13 Brantford in Thunder Bay if necessary March 18 Brantford in Thunder Bay if necessary March 20 Thunder Bay in Brantford if necessary March 22 Brantford in Thunder Bay if necessary Georgian spoiled by late goal Matt Alpin busted any dreams of sensational come back effort by the Allan Cook juveniles Wednesday at the Eastview Arenat Alpin found himself with time to shoot and an opcing big enough to score with 40 seconds left in the third period to give the Thoriiliill Thunder Birds 65 win The win evened the hostel five York Simcoc Minor Hockey League elimination final at 22 The fifth and deciding game is in Ihornhill Sunday at pm Barrie had its offence tappcd JOY SllOltlllll ilcn Layco*ck tit had just scoicd with scycii iiiinutcs rcinaiii ing in thc gamc ticd things up Wednesday to thc appiccia in the first period by costly string of penalties Thomhill scored three unanswered goals in the opening 10minute period to force Barrie into catchem style of game Cook almost lid it Barrie recovered from the irstpcriod shambles to bounce back in the second with tWO goals and tie it in the third with seven minutes remaining in the period Pat Bertrand had three goals for lhornhill Don Sumiers and Brent Dunnett had one goal each Mike Brooks paced Barrie tion of fans and playcrs alikc at thc lIastvic rcna lhornliill howci managed goal itli it scconds lcft iii lhc gamc to edgi thc with two goals Ed Hoare Glen Layco*ck and Bob Kerr were the other scorers Thomhill didnt waste any time capitalizing on Barrie penalties in the opening period Defenceman Scott Alcombrack took minor penalty early and his retort cost him 10minutc misconduct and forced Barrie to play Shorthanded for four minutes During that time two goals beat goaltender Dave Camp bell Thornhill scored four powerplay goals in the game juycnilcs or and force fifth and deciding game in thc cliiiinatioii scrics Ex aiiiiiicrlhoto GBSSA basketball schedule begins playoff countdown Eastview Secondary School is at tlic top of thc junior and midget divisions of thc Bay Secondary School Association lOBSSAt in standings rclcascd this xvic The boy baskct llll ll schedule is winding to lHM this wcckasisgirh vollcyloall There is still somc jockeying for position in thc ollall loop with cntral currcntly first in tllt scnior and midgct divisions BASKETBALLSIANIHVOS Senior lIVl 20 Midland lo Eastvicwltcntral15lark St Banting Junior Eastvicw lti cntral 111 Park St ti Midlandz Ilantiiigz Midgct Eastvicw lit Park St ltl Olt Vl 1t Midland lo cntral Lt BantingZ Division Senior killingwotxl North lcnctang Twin Lakcs Junior Twin Lakes Penctang North Midget Iollingwood North Icnctang iirls ollcyball IN1 Senior Central Eastvicw Stayncr Banting tl ligwootl lwin likc Sports Calendar HOCKEY 815pm Bariic Arciia Oak ltidgcs vs olts Oak ltidgcs leads Mid ntarioJunior it scricsl 15 pin mllarric Co Op iiiidgcts at Orillia Orillia lcadsbcst of fivcscricsil lM7 OroAicna tlluronia Leaguc lctcr ltcino vs Brucc Slorcy It wlmpcrial Wcstman vs Peter Kurtz 1174i and vstrown llill VOLLEYBALL 7tlpinmlB Borden Ont Womcns Volleyball Toronto Cosmos vs Peter ltcino Ilusllcrs llllllOl Stafuicr Banting lIastvicw cntral Midget Central IIastvicw Stayner St Jocs Garlner scores four in highscoring tie NIAGARA FALLS nt It Niagara Falls Flyers and Oshawa icncrals ccllar dwcllcrs of thcir respectivc lllSOllS played to 99 tie in the only Ontario llockcy Associ ation Major Junior gamc Wednesday Niagara Falls in last place in the lilmms Division took 571 lcad after the first period but the tlcncrals in last spot of thc Lcydcn Division battch back to tic the game midway through thc sccoiitl period lhc tcams tradcd goals for thc rcst of the gamc Mikc iartncr of Barrie Flycrs and Bob lolman of the icncrals each scored four goals Stan Adams added pair for thc itlycrs with Bill Root Ian Bcdlord and Mike Dwycr scor ingthcothcrs Oshawa got two goals from Joc aiiipagnola and single goals from Diego Odino Bob iladncy and huch Iurocher crowd of 344 watched Niag ara Falls hold 444 margin in shots Ilay resumes tonight with Kin ston Canadians visiting 8in1 Ste Marie Greyhounds Toronto Marlboros travelling to meet Oshawa London Knights laying the Poles in Peter orough and Ottawa 67s playing host to Windsor Spit fires BOWLING Twilight Mixcd lxaguiStanding Mowrs 2m Betty and Jims ltlfi Snow till Rips ltitl Newcomers 159 Simcoc Plaza 155 Sis Snack Bar 152 Blue Birds Cleaner 150 Cheap Skates 149 Dykstra Bros 145 Two and TM 136 Submarine 109 Junior Standings OntarioMaior EmmsDivlsion WL London 46 ll 344 177 93 St Cath Al 374 708 87 Toronto 27 I9 10 286 214 64 Kitchener 23 27 277 J24 57 Windsor l8 755 338 Falls 13 38 209 ill 32 Leyden Division Sudbury 32 72 33H 25 67 Ottawa 23 257 65 Pcterboro 28 272 265 63 Kingston 28 21 249 209 61 Marie 18 37 116 357 39 Oshawa 49 iii 396 Wednesdays Result Niagara Falls Oshawa Tonights Games Kingston at Sault Ste Marie Toronto at Oshawa London at Peterborouuh Ottawa at Windsor with Brooks cashing in one one Thunder Bird penalty Bertrand opened the scoring at 247 Less than two minutes later Sumcrs put Thomhill in front by two Thunder Birds appeared headed for rout when Dunnett deflected the third powerplay goal into the Barrie net at the 634 mark Cook stayed out of the penal ty box for most of the second period which gave the lines chance to function Brooks ripped his first goal by Bill Burnsides just 49 seconds after the opening face off Bertrand wiped out goal moments later but Bob Kerr sank rebound at 852 to put Cook right back in business With the exception of few seconds at the beginning and end of the period it was all Cooks show in the third frame It was also Burnsides time to shine Barrie outshot Thomhill 3320 with 15 of those shots coming in the third period Bertrand open ed the period with powcrplay goal at the 16 second mark Brooks narrowed the margin with his second goal The forward mixed little finesse with brute strength to keep Barric hopes kindled llc surprised thc Thunder Birds dcfcncc with quick move to get in on Burnside then was sent crashing into thc Ihornhill goalie with the puck ending in thcnet Ed Hoarc got even with Burn side who robbed him in the first period by flipping re bound over the downcd goalie at tllt422111111k ook pressml and contained Thornhill in their own end lcadingto ilfll Layco*cks tying goal with seven minutcs left Barric missed number of golden opixirtunitics in the dy ing moments of the game Mikc Lainc camc close to collccting his first goal after three month layoff when he fired wide of an open nct laccoff to the right of ampbcll sent the puck on the stick of Alpin llis quick release was in the net bcforc ampbell could react Disposers tie series in Midland MIDLAND and Disposers of Barrie came back with strong sccondhalf pcr formancc to defcat Midland Longhorns 7572 in Simcoc ounty Mens Basketball Leaguc playoff action chncs dav Oro thumps DON DALLIMOIHC and the rest of the Barrie oinpcti tion Motorcycling Associa tion will be in Midland Sun day to compete in inter club race with members of the Midland Hub The three yearold club has about 50 members including Dan Stewart 21 of Elinvalc who Iceracing championships One title is already his second is Dan Stewart is making lllS first season or the anadian IccRacing championship circuit one to remember The 2tiyearold raccr from Elmvalc has already clinch ed the anadian titlc lit the 125 class and is in reach of winningthcifitdivision One event remains in thc threerace circuit That iacc is this weekend in Qucbcc Stewart says he has cnough points with his five firsts in the 125 class over the course of the circuit to bag thc overall points championship in this class He trails thc 250 leader by thrcc points heading into the final event inQucbcc have to place first and he has to finish third said Stewart Wmlncsday dont even have to show up for thc 125 he addcd Stewart moved into coin fortablc lead in thc 125with two wins recently at Sud bury was profitable weekend for the member of the Barrie ompctition Mo torcyclingAssociation He moved to within reach of the 250 leader with another pairof firstplace finishes Stewart has bccn racing motocross for three years Ilc uses his own Ilonda in the 12 studded class and works out of the Barrie Motocross ent re on 251 an Am Stewart said he got in tcrcstcd in Bikc racing on ice by watching his cousins race thought Id give it try He says he found racing bikes cquippcd with studded fires lot different than nor mal motocross racing Its still hard on you but not as hard as motocross racing hcsaid This past weekend he was in Bancroft to compete in Canadian filotorcyclc Associ is ranked high on the Cana dian national iceracing championship circuit Ex aminer Photo within reach ation sanctioned race He had first in the 125 and 250 classes The Canadian national ice racing championships at tracts racers mainly from Quebec and Ontario The Barrie Competition Motorcycling Association has about 50 members The purpose of the club is to allow the serious racer chance to apply his talents Club member Don Dalli more thats not theonly reason however He says the club also offers the oppor tunity for motocross en thusiasts just to get out and enjoy the sport The BCMA will be in Midland Sunday to compete in interclub race with Midland The race is on Little Lake and Dallimore expects that most of the club members will be there Orillia 80 Kinsmen rally in final period for 61 win over Orillia atoms OltO Sproulc llomc bantams of OH thumped YO cam of Orillia PM in cxhibilion hockey Wednesday at the OH Township onnnunit Centre John Aycrst and Dean Rcavic paced the win with twogoal cf forts hipping in single goals were Ron Ioffan Steve Far aghcr JohnThompson and Ron Verwcv Tim Cole earned the 0m shutout ro has another exhibition hoockcy game Saturday at the Oro arena against Toldwatcr Game time is 15 pin BARBIE KINSMIIN major atoms waited until the third period to blow the lid off Barrie Kinsmen major atoms started slowly but clicked liilt in the game to whip Orillia G1 in the sccomd game of best ofthrec York Simcoc Minor Hockey League playoff series Wednesday at the East vicw Arena The win was the second straight for Barrie knocking Orillia out of the zone playoffs Orillia led at the end of the first period with Barrie coming back to tie the game in the so cond close York Simcoc Minor Hockey League layoff game with rillia Wt nesday Bar Five unanswered goals blew the close game wide open in the remaining pcriod Shane oison spearheaded the Barrie scoring with his hat trick Andy Walton Stewart Garner and Shawn Deane were the other scorers Orillias lone goal was scored by Mike Driiikwatcr The score would have been higher had it not been for the goaltcnding of Orillias Geoff Farr Kinsmen started coming togcthcr with Corsons rie ppcd five unanswered goa in the final period for unassisted goal late in the so cond period There was no stopping the wave on wave of Barrie players in the third as the young clubs diseipline passing game con tained Orillia in their own end The win pits Barrie against Thomhill in bestoffive semi final series When the series is expected to start was not known at the time of this writing wQ in oi win Shane Corson had three of the goals



Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1977, p. 10 (2024)
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